Weapons Offenses

Defending the Accused with Experience & Passion

Serious Legal Issues Demand Serious Solutions

Colorado law highly regulates the possession and use of firearms and other dangerous weapons. If authorities have confronted you with charges related to the illegal or criminal use of a weapon, you should consult an experienced Denver weapon crimes attorney who has experience dealing with weapons offense cases.

At Trial Lawyers & Legal Services of Colorado, LLC, we have years of valuable courtroom experience defending against criminal charges such as firearms or weapons crimes. Whether the offense involves a low-level misdemeanor or a high-level felony, we will zealously advocate for your interests and rights at all stages of the criminal proceeding. From the arraignment to closing statements, you can count on us to support and guide you through criminal proceedings to ensure that your right to a fair trial isn’t infringed by government misconduct.

Sapientia potentia est

Types of Gun & Firearm Crimes in Colorado

Under Colorado’s criminal code, there are several crimes that can relate to the use of firearms or weapons. Whether the weapon is a gun, a knife, or an explosive device, a person can be found guilty of these offenses through the mere unlicensed possession of a certain weapon.

Colorado crimes that relate to firearms and dangerous weapons include:

  • Possession of a dangerous weapon;
  • Unlawful carrying of a concealed weapon;
  • Unlawful possession of a weapon on school, college, or university grounds;
  • Unlawfully providing a handgun to a juvenile;
  • Possession or control of an explosive or incendiary device.

Have you been charged with a firearms or other weapons-related crime? Depending on the exact nature of the alleged crime, you may be facing a felony conviction. If successfully convicted, you spend years of your life in prison. Due to the intense nature of weapons-related crimes, it is in your best interests to find a qualified Denver weapon offense lawyer to defend you in any criminal proceedings.

At Trial Lawyers & Legal Services of Colorado, LLC, we are dedicated to protecting the due process rights of our clients, as guaranteed by the United States Bill of Rights and the Colorado State Constitution. We are dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive criminal defense strategy that is custom-tailored to address the specific circumstances and factors of your case.

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Trial Lawyers & Legal Services of Colorado, LLC.

8547 East Arapahoe Road J-534
Greenwood Village, CO 80112


Call : (303) 656-9454
Fax: (720)823-4706
