Arbitration & Mediation


At Trial Lawyers & Legal Services of Colorado, LLC we have years of experience resolving disputes between attorneys, litigants, divorcing parents with or without children, property disputes, and other matters that arise.

We are dedicated to resolving your problem in a cost effect and prompt manner. We can even arrange for a private trial with a retired Colorado judge.

C.R.C.P. 122

(a) Appointed Judges.
(1) At any time after a civil action, excluding juvenile delinquency proceedings, is filed in a trial court of record, upon agreement of all parties that a specific retired or resigned justice of the Supreme Court, or a retired or resigned judge of any other court of record within the state of Colorado be appointed to hear the action and upon agreement that one or more of the parties shall pay the agreed upon compensation of the selected justice or judge, together with all other compensation and expenses incurred, the Chief Justice may appoint such justice or judge who consents to perform judicial duties for such action.

Under Rule 122 of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure, parties in civil cases have the option to use a private judge to resolve their disputes. There are several potential benefits to using a private judge in Colorado under this rule:

  1. Expedited Resolution: Private judges can often provide faster resolution of cases compared to the crowded court system. They have more flexibility in scheduling hearings and can prioritize the case, resulting in quicker decisions.
  2. Expertise and Experience: Private judges are typically experienced attorneys or retired judges who have specialized knowledge in specific areas of law. They may have expertise in complex legal matters, which can lead to more informed and accurate rulings.
  3. Enhanced Privacy: Private proceedings offer a higher level of privacy compared to traditional court hearings. This can be particularly advantageous in sensitive or high-profile cases where confidentiality is a concern. Private judges can help maintain confidentiality and prevent public access to certain information.
  4. Customized Process: Parties using a private judge have more control over the procedures and rules that govern their case. They can tailor the process to their specific needs, allowing for greater flexibility and efficiency. This customization can lead to a more streamlined and focused resolution.
  5. Reduced Court Backlog: By utilizing private judges, parties can help alleviate the burden on the overcrowded court system. This allows the courts to focus on other cases, reducing the overall backlog and potentially improving the efficiency of the entire judicial process.
  6. Neutrality and Impartiality: Private judges are expected to be neutral and impartial, providing an unbiased approach to resolving disputes. Parties may perceive private judges as being more objective and independent than judges who are regularly involved in the local court system.
  7. Cost Savings: While private judges charge fees for their services, the overall cost of using a private judge may be lower compared to traditional litigation. The expedited nature of the process and the potential for efficient resolution can result in reduced legal fees and other litigation expenses.

It’s important to note that the benefits of using a private judge may vary depending on the specific circumstances of each case. Parties considering this option should carefully evaluate the potential advantages and consult with legal professionals to determine if it is the most appropriate approach for their situation.

Out of Court Solutions

Introducing the Power of Mediation and Arbitration: Resolving Disputes with Efficiency and Fairness

In today’s complex and interconnected world, disputes can arise in various facets of life, from business transactions to personal relationships. When conflicts emerge, finding a swift and equitable resolution becomes paramount. That’s where the power of mediation and arbitration comes into play.

Mediation: Nurturing Dialogue, Finding Common Ground

Mediation serves as a constructive and collaborative approach to dispute resolution. It brings conflicting parties together in a neutral and controlled environment, guided by a skilled mediator. With expertise in conflict resolution techniques, the mediator facilitates open communication and encourages each side to express their concerns, needs, and perspectives.

Through active listening and empathy, the mediator helps foster understanding and empathy between the parties. By exploring shared interests and common ground, mediation enables the development of mutually beneficial solutions. This process allows the parties to retain control over the outcome and craft a tailored agreement that addresses their specific needs. Mediation empowers individuals and businesses to build stronger relationships while avoiding costly and time-consuming litigation.

Arbitration: Expert Decisions, Efficient Resolutions

Arbitration offers a structured and efficient alternative to traditional courtroom litigation. It involves a neutral third party, an arbitrator, who acts as a private judge in the dispute. Unlike mediation, the arbitrator has the authority to make a binding decision, which provides a final resolution for the parties involved.

Arbitration proceedings are flexible, ensuring that the process aligns with the unique circumstances of each case. Parties can choose an arbitrator with expertise in the specific field of their dispute, ensuring that decisions are made by someone knowledgeable in the subject matter. The proceedings can be tailored to accommodate the parties’ preferences regarding rules, location, and timeline, offering a more personalized and expeditious resolution.

Arbitration often proves to be a cost-effective and time-efficient alternative to litigation. It avoids the backlog of court dockets and allows for swifter resolution, saving valuable resources for all involved. Moreover, arbitration proceedings are confidential, ensuring privacy and preserving the reputation of the parties involved.

Embracing a Future of Harmonious Resolution

In an era where efficiency and fairness are paramount, the power of mediation and arbitration shines as effective tools for resolving disputes. Whether it’s reconciling conflicting business interests, settling family matters, or addressing community disagreements, these alternative dispute resolution methods foster open dialogue, creative problem-solving, and expedited outcomes.

By embracing mediation and arbitration, individuals and organizations can forge a path towards harmonious resolution while preserving relationships and resources. Let us help you navigate the intricacies of conflict and guide you towards a brighter future of collaborative solutions. Discover the transformative power of mediation and arbitration today.

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Trial Lawyers & Legal Services of Colorado, LLC.

8547 East Arapahoe Road J-534
Greenwood Village, CO 80112

Call : (303) 656-9454
Fax: (720)823-4706
