Juvenile Crimes

Defending the Accused with Experience & Passion

How Prosecutors Can Charge Juveniles as Adults

In some cases, prosecutors may try to direct file the case into adult criminal court instead of using the juvenile court. Direct filing can occur if the accused is 14 years or older and is alleged to have committed specific serious offenses.

Offenses that can lead to a filing in adult court include class 1 or 2 felonies, serious “crimes of violence,” serious weapons offenses, vehicular manslaughter, or vehicular assault. If the juvenile has one or more prior felonies on his or her record, a direct file is available even for lesser offenses.

If a prosecutor has charged a juvenile in adult court, a vigorous defense is even more important. It goes without saying that those incarcerated as children in adult prisons do not tend to have futures as productive adults in society. To protect a young person, you need an experienced Denver juvenile defense lawyer on your side.

Sapientia potentia est

A Vigorous Defense Guards a Young Person’s Prospects

Are you facing criminal allegations as a juvenile? Mount a strong defense to juvenile cases by discussing your situation with an experienced Denver juvenile crimes attorney. At Trial Lawyers & Legal Services of Colorado, LLC, we will work hard to prepare a top defense to protect the prospects of the accused. An adolescent mistake does not have to ruin someone’s life. We are here to help.

Conviction as a Juvenile

Some Denver residents see a juvenile crime conviction as “not a big deal” because they believe the record is immediately sealed when the young man or woman reaches the age of 18. This is not the case. The court may expunge matters, but having records expunged requires a petition to the court, and the case must meet certain criteria. Even if the court seals a record in this way, it can be obtained and applied to sentencing if the state convicts that juvenile of a crime as an adult.

Even juvenile convictions can impact a person’s ability to:

  • Join the Military
  • Get a job
  • Pursue college
  • Achieve apprenticeship in a trade
  • Get financial aid for higher education

Lets talk about your case...

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Trial Lawyers & Legal Services of Colorado, LLC.

8547 East Arapahoe Road J-534
Greenwood Village, CO 80112


Call : (303) 656-9454
Fax: (720)823-4706
